COmpiled By Calvin Capps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Into the Gates of Hell Day: 6 Stardate: 2407.01.09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Unknown Alien Vessel - Corridor - MCO Conner Tirrel - 12:20) (Unknown Alien Vessel - Corridor - CSO/3O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee and ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar - 12:25) (Unknown Vessel - Coridoor - MCO Conner Tirrel - 12:25) (Unknown Alien Vessel - Corridor - ACEO Alura Rathyn -12.30) (Alien Vessel - New Room - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1235) (Alien Vessel - New Room - Ensign (sg) Greg Dunn - 1237) (Alien Vessel - New Room - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1239) (Alien Vessel - New Room - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1240) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - Ensign Greg Dunn - 1240) (Unknown Vessel - Main Generator Room - CSO/3O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 12:42) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1242) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - CEO, LT JG Steven Matrix- 1242) (Unknown Vessel - Main Generator room - MCO Conner Tirrel - 12:43) (USS Paladin - Bridge - TAC/SC T`Vhor - 12:44) (Unknown Alien Vessel - Computer Access Point - Corridor - Tech. Spec. K'Tarn - 12:45) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1246) (USS Paladin - Bridge - OPS Ensign Knightley - 1248) (USS Paladin - Bridge - TAC/SC T`Vhor - 12:48) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - ACONN Ensign (jg) Christian Soval Brownlee - 12:56) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Unknown Alien Vessel - Corridor - MCO Conner Tirrel - 12:20) The three marines stood easy in the coridoor awaiting the arrival of the other Paladin crewmember. Gawlick had squatted down upon his haunches & had removed a long bladed knife from his shin holster which he was now in the process of sharpening to pass the time. "Kinda reminds me of that sector 24 mission", he said to no one in particular, "D`ya remember that damn ship sir, the one with all that living crap inside of it", he added looking up at the MCO as he spoke. "Remember it!", said Conner, "I`ve lived it in my dreams more than enough times to be able to forget it", he added with a smile. "You wouldn`t even be here now if it weren`t for the fact someone came back to pull you out of that situation you got your self into", said Conner. Gawlick looked down to the blade in his hand & ran the stone up along it`s side with a smile. "And I haven`t forgotten that sir", he said returning his gaze to the MCO. "Any other CO would have left me for dead & got the team out", he added. "Not you though sir", he said returning to the blade. "Not you...." "just make sure you don`t live to make me regret it soldier", said Conner with a laugh just as lights & the sound of footsteps began approaching from down the coridoor. (posted by Alan) (Unknown Alien Vessel - Corridor - CSO/3O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee and ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar - 12:25) Joran and the rest of Team 2 had left the shuttlebay and had finally caught up with Tirrel and his marines outside what seemed to be a room with several computer acess points. "Well, Mr. Tirrel, as I said before, Team 1 has encountered hostiles, but have said that they do not wish for our assistance. Since then, we have not heard from them or the Paladin. So, our orders to explore still stand. So, what is this room that you've found?" (reply Tirrel) "Ah, very good." Joran stepped into the room. two of the walls were lined with computer consoles, the other two bare. He noticed that it seemed there was no power whatsoever to anything in the room. "Ensign Rathyn," he called over. (reply Rathyn) "Do you think that you can get power to any of these panels? Even just enough to download the database?" (reply Rathyn) "Good. See to it." "Ensign Apar?" Joran asked. "Yes, what is it?" "Set up a sentry post at this room's exit." "Aye, sir." Joran waited while the engineering teams set up power sources and began getting the consoles up and running. (Unknown Alien Vessel - Computer Access Point - Corridor - CSO/3O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee and ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar - 12:40) After pumping power into the consoles and lighting fixtures for mearly a quarter of an hour, they finally came online. Joran jumped to his feet from where he had been sitting against the far wall. "Good work, Ensign Rathyn." (reply Rathyn IYW) "Ensign, K'Tarn." Joran called to his technical specialist. (reply K'Tarn) "What do you make of this?" Joran was referring to the text that was displayed on the screen. Esse Mesta 1. I yessessė Eru ontanė Menel ar Cemen. 2 Cemen né cumna ar lusta, ar engė morniė or i undumė, nan Eruo Sślė willė or i neni. 3 Ar equė Eru: "Eä cįlė!" Ar engė cįlė. 4 Eru cennė sa i cįlė né mįra, ar Eru ciltanė i cįlė i morniello. 5 Ar Eru estanė i cįlė Aurė, ar i morniė estanes Lómė. Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i minya aurė. 6 Ar equė Eru: "Eä telluma endessė i nenion, ar ciltuvas nén nenello." 7 Ar Eru carnė i telluma ar ciltanė i neni or i telluma i nenillon nu i telluma. Ar engė siė. 8 Ar Eru estanė i telluma Menel. Engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i attėa aurė. 9 Ar equė Eru: "Na i neni nu menel hostainė minė nómessė, ar na i parca nór cénina!" Ar engė siė. 10 Ar Eru estanė i parca nór Cemen, nan i hostainė neni estanes Eär. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 11 Ar equė Eru: "Į colė cemen salquė, olvar carila erdi, yįvaldar colila yįvė nostalentassen, cemendė." Ar engė siė. 12 Cemen collė salquė, olvar carila erdi, nostalentassen, ar aldar colila yįvė yassė ėar erdentar, nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 13 Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i nelya aurė. 14 Ar equė Eru: "Eä calmar tellumassė menelo ciltien aurė lómillo, ar nauvantė tannar asarion ar aurion ar coranįrion. 15 Nauvantė calmar tellumassė menelo caltien cemenna." Ar engė siė. 16 Eru carnė i atta altė calmar, i analta calma turien auressė ar i pitya calma turien lómissė, ar i eleni. 17 Ar Eru panyanė ta tellumassė menelo caltien cemenna 18 ar turien auressė ar lómissė ar ciltien cįlė morniello. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 19 Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i cantėa aurė. 20 Ar equė Eru: "Į ėa śvė cuinė onnolķva i nenissen, ar į wilė aiweli tellumassė menelo." 21 Ar Eru ontanė i altė ėarcelvar ar ilya i śvė cuinė onnaiva i rihtar i nenissen, nostalentassen, ar ilyė rįmavoiti onnar nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 22 Ar Eru laitanė te ar quentė: "Na yįvinquė ar na rimbė, į quatė nén i ėarion, ar na i aiwi rimbė cemendė!" 23 Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i lempėa aurė. 24 Ar equė Eru: "Į colė cemen cuinė onnar nostalentassen, lamni ar celvaller ar cemeno hravani celvar, nostalentassen." 25 Ar Eru carnė cemeno hravani celvar nostalentassen, ar i lamni nostalentassen ar ilyė celvar i vantar cemendė, nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 26 Ar equė Eru: "Alvė carė Atan venwelvassė, canta velvė; ar turuvas ėaro lingwi ar menelo aiwi ar i lamni ar ilya i cemen ar ilyė celvar i vantar cemendė." 27 Ar Eru ontanė Atan venweryassė, Eruo venwessė ontaneryes; hanu ar nķ ontaneryet. 28 Ar Eru laitanė te, ar equė Eru tienna: "Na yįvinquė ar na rimbė, į quatė cemen ar įsa panya nu le, ar į turė ėaro lingwi ar menelo aiwi ar ilyė cuinė onnar i vantar cemendė." 29 Ar equė Eru: "En! antan len ilyė olvar carila erdi, ilya i ėar ilya i palśressė cemeno, ar ilyė aldar carila yįvi yassen ėar erdi. Nas ya matuval. 30 Ar ilyė hravani celvain ar ilye menelo aiwin ar ilyan i vanta cemendė, ilya cuinan, antan ilyė laiquė olvar matien." 31 Ar Eru cennė ilya ya carnes, ar en! nes ammįra. Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i enquėa aur.ė. (reply K'Tarn) "A log? Let's see if we can decipher what it reads here." Joran ran the log through the tricorder, and it was translated into the Federation Standard alphabet. NRPG: If anyone's interested, I've attatched the translated version to this e-mail. RPG: "Alright," he said, "we can read it in their language, but it's just gibberish to us." Joran turned to his team. "Okay, I'm going to need everyone's help on this. We have found a log, but we have to still translate it into Standard. We have to find out if there is a translation matrix to a language that we are familiar with. Let's get to work." (reply any on Team 2) With that, Joran turned back to his console, when he heard a presence in his mind. It was Rana. :: Is this what you hoped for, Imzadi?:: ::Oh,:: Joran replied, :: it's better.:: (posted by Spencer) (Unknown Vessel - Coridoor - MCO Conner Tirrel - 12:25) Imediately the three men raised their rifles & allowed the threat indicator on each to lock onto the targets. "Their ours", said Gawlick, half relieved at the fact as Lt Brownlee & a few others finally emerged out of the darkness. "What`s the status on the other teams?", said Conner as Brownlee stepped towards him. "Well, Mr. Tirrel, as I said before, Team 1 has encountered hostiles, but have said that they do not wish for our assistance", said Brownlee. "Since then, we have not heard from them or the Paladin. So, our orders to explore still stand. So, what is this room that you've found?" "Beats me", said the MCO, "It`s like everything else on this damn crate, nothing adds up or makes sence", he added. "I wouldn`t touch anything", said Cpl Gawlick, "You might lose a hand in a wall", he added with a smile. They then entered the room up ahead with phase rifles at the ready, just in case. Within a short time, the engineers had power at the various consoles in the room & had gained access to a detailed log in a language nobody understood. A sentry was quickly set up at the door exit to make sure nothing approached them from behind whilst the tech specialist K`Tarn & others attempted to make some sence of it all. (posted by Alan) (Unknown Alien Vessel - Corridor - ACEO Alura Rathyn - 12.30) Team 2 had left the shuttlebay and finally caught up with Tirrel and his marines outside what seemed to be a room with several computer access points. Ensign Rathyn wondered if the other members of the away shared her very uncomfortable feeling of being the proverbial puppet on a string. Being out of contact with the Paladin and the other team and at the mercies of the evasive residents of the alien ship was not conducive to survival. Two of the walls were lined with computer consoles of some kind which were deprived power. "Ensign Rathyn," Joran called to her "Sir?" "Do you think that you can get power to any of these panels? Even just enough to download the database?" "I can use one of our EKG-300 generators," she told him. " There's obviously a power source of some kind maintaining the environment, but I don't want to fry myself trying to tap an alien grid design." "Good," Joran told her. "See to it." Rathyn immediately set to work opening a panel to one of the nearest computer stations. The securing bolts to the access panel were designed for some kind of octagonal fitting that didn't fit standard Federation tools so she used a nanotech universal fitting and within minutes she was crawling into a chaotic swirl of circuitry and panels. After several minutes of probing she found what appeared to be a power cable, a thick insulated coil of circuitry leading into some kind of fuse junction panel. Using a power flow tester she found what appeared to be the consoles main relay pack. After some trial and error she managed to bypass her own generator through a secondary relay. Some minutes later, the lone computer station lit up the dark room with a cascade of flourescent color. Joran jumped to his feet from where he had been sitting against the far wall. "Good work, Ensign Rathyn." "Thank you sir," she replied crawling out of the access portal, after making sure nothing had begun smoking. "Luckiest batch of guesswork I ever pulled off." (posted by David) (Alien Vessel - New Room - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1235) "Commander take a look at this." Greg threw the PADD in the general direction of Capps and then he closed his eyes and gathered his thoughts. Calvin looked in the general direction he heard the voice come from. As he turned he watched a horizontal object flying in the air toward him. Calvin nearly dropped his tricorder as he tried to catch the item. The item seemed a little more heavy than he had expected, but it wasn't heavy enough to throw his body off balance. He looked at the item to inspect it. He turned it over and noticed that the front was in the form of a panel, close to a Starfleet PADD but not. He touched the screen and light on the device came to life. There was some type of scribbling on it, but Calvin could not make it out. He then ran the typing through his federation universal translator and could not find anything to let him read the text. "Ensign Dunn, were you able to read this." (reply Greg) "Interesting, maybe the mutation process is tacking a faster effect than we originally thought. Remember what you read on this device. I believe I might be able to use this to activate our combadge to contact some one." ~Or at least I hope.~ Calvin thought in desperation. (posted by Calvin) (Alien Vessel - New Room - Ensign (sg) Greg Dunn - 1237) "Ensign Dunn, were you able to read this." Greg looked wearily at Capps. "Yes sir..." Greg realised with horror that his voice had changed to a deep freaky hissing noise. "Interesting, maybe the mutation process is tacking a faster effect than we originally thought. Remember what you read on this device. I believe I might be able to use this to activate our combadge to contact some one." Greg watched in horror as Capps pulled the device open and looked to find a way to communicate with the Paladin. Then without warning he could hear voices in his head.... people screaming for their lives. Greg shuddered and bashed his head slightly and looked up and noticed that the group had started moving. Greg picked himself off the floor and stumbled after them with his escort following looking at him in a strange manner. ~ I have an urge... to kill. ~ Greg looked at his hands and then a set of claws sprouted from his fingers then retracted again. Then began the battle of the voices. ~ KILL THEM....~ Came a hissing voice ~ Kill them then.... eat. ~ Greg hit his forehead with the palm of his hand and continued walking but the voices wouldn't be silenced. ~ Kill them all. ~ Then one of the aliens came from the ceiling and dropped down infront of Capps. "STOP!!" Greg shouted in a strange language and the creature looked startled, stopped its attack and stared in his direction. Greg moved forward and stood between Capps and the creature. "Commander... I believe I can communicate with it." (posted by Greg) (Alien Vessel - New Room - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1239) Then one of the aliens came from the ceiling and dropped down infront of Capps. "STOP!!" Greg shouted in a strange language and the creature looked startled, stopped its attack and stared in his direction. Greg moved forward and stood between Capps and the creature. "Commander... I believe I can communicate with it." Calvin was froze in the middle of the corridor. He was surrounded by security personal along with multiple Marines. They had the butt of the phaser rifles pressed against their shoulders, and ready to fire at an instant to protect Team 1. Lt. Cmdr thought that these alien beings had no idea who they were as much as Team 1 did not know what the alien being was besides Ensign Dunn. Ensign Dunn to Calvin's knowledge had been able to read the language on what appeared to be similar to a Starfleet PADD. And it was apparent that he could also speak their language. This made Calvin more nervous than a happy commanding officer. If his Assistant Security Officer could do so many things similar to the alien beings then that would mean that he could also be as aggressive toward the away team as the alien beings has been. Calvin was now sure that his decision to have a security personal on the Ensign at all times was a good decision. There were simply too many situations to be handled, but Lt. Cmdr Capps knew that he had to and could multitask to get this job done. He desperately needed to make the right choices. Calvin still had the situation in hand at the moment. He needed to 'cross this bridge without the troll eating his away team.' He could not ignore the fact that Ensign Dunn indeed could speak the alien language. That would in deed be a great help. Lt. Cmdr Capps had to use that to his advantage. "Alright Ensign. Try to calm the being down. Distract him if you can, while he is doing that everyone we are going to try to pass the being." Calvin over heard Ensign Greg speaking to the alien being in some form of language that was similar to no other languages. Two personal of his away team went infront of him. They both had their backs stuck on to the wall and side stepping pass Greg and the alien being. So Calvin and the rest of the team that followed did like wise. Calvin turned his head to look leftward; the way his body was heading. As he did so he noticed that the away team members infront of him suits lights had now be re-activated. Lt. Cmdr continued to side step, and only seconds later his suit lights had came back on. After Calvin was sure that he had passed Ensign Dunn and the alien being he stepped of the wall and was greeted by a confused Marine. "Sir.." the Marine could only say. He then pointed toward where they just were. Calvin looked over toward the direction of Ensign Dunn and the away team that was still walking a long the wall. What he saw confused him as well. What seem to be some type of barrier line. On the other side Calvin could see Ensign Dunn talking to something, but nothing was there. The lights on the suits did not work where Greg and the rest of the team were. But on the side Calvin and some other members were; it seemed as if everything was fine. Calvin waited a moment until the entire team was on Calvin's side. Now he needed to get Ensign Dunn's attention. "ENSIGN DUNN, COME ON. STEP THIS WAY." Calvin yelled. (posted by Calvin) (Alien Vessel - New Room - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1240) Lt. Matrix had been working hard on getting the EVA suits back online as well with working with the tricorder. "Well the suits check out fine, biohazard containment looks fine for all of us, everyone's suit seems to be sealed and working fine." Matrix wasn't happy he didn't have the answers. "I'll refine the scans more,but these tricorders don't have the functional range as the bioscanners aboard the Paladin." "Thank you Lt. Matrix." "Well I think I'm closer to getting the lights on, let me try making a few more adjustments with the scan seemed to trigger something." Calvin thought about the situation once again as he had done a number of time. The lights just flickered for a second and it could have been a coincidence, but if the CEO thought he was on to something Calvin would be more than happy to have the lights on than off. If the lights were on the away team would have a better chance of survival. They would be able to see what they were actually doing and have a better view of what they were up against. "Very good Lt. keep working on it." Calvin opened the device that Greg had tossed his way. He looked at the different style of circuits, and wasn't for sure if he could use the device or not. He opened up his tricoder and scanned the circuits a little more closely, but no major information had revealed it self. Calvin was hoping the device would help him get some type of connection to the other team or the Paladin, but Lt. Cmdr Capps was not familiar with the device in sides at all. It was a failure. "We must keep going. It is dangerous out there. Everyone be on full alert. Ok. Let Go!" Calvin watched as a few marines left the room first and made there way back toward the shuttle bay they had entered in the first place. Calvin and the rest of team then followed. (posted by Calvin) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - Ensign Greg Dunn - 1240) Greg was in deep coversation with the alien discussing life etc etc and what happened to the ship. Greg watched the alien carefully as the rest of the team past him. Then he saw the lights of the suits on the team away from the alien flicker on. He then watched Commander Capps open his mouth and wave his arms but he was becoming faint and Greg couldn't hear the Commander. Greg looked at the creature. "What's going on?" He said dismayed. "They are on.... the other side." It whispered at him. "We can't venture that way... otherwise we dissapear." Greg turned to look for Capps and found he was gone. Greg was taken aback and then looked back to the creature. "I need to get to the rest of my team...." He started. The alien looked at him with pitty and placed a clawed hand on his shoulder. "For you... its too late." "No... no there has to be a way." He panicked. Greg made a luch forward and the alien grabbed him. "You will die...." But Greg broke free and made a dash for where the team was last sighted. Commander Capps appeared and the rest of the team but Greg gasped like a fish out of water and fell to his knees and reached out to Capps. "Help.... me...." He gasped. Greg's eyes widened with fear. Things were getting worse then somthing Grabbed him from behind and began pulling him back. Managing to gain a little more breath he began to scream. "NO DONT TAKE ME..." Greg flayled around. "HELP!!" (posted by Greg) (Unknown Vessel - Main Generator Room - CSO/3O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 12:42) Joran had searched through the database for a bit with no luck when the Fates decided to throw him a bone. He came across a dictionary from this alien language, which is apparently called Quetil, into Romulan. ~hmmm... Whoever these people are, they have relations with the Romulans.~ Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tirrel motion him over. Joran tore himself away from what he was doing, letting the tricorder continue creating a translation matrix. "Yes, what is it, Lt.?" Joran asked. "We have contact with the Paladin", said Tirrel. "That is very good news. Send them a general status report and relay us any new orders." Joran said. "Inform them of our progress & let them know what we have encountered", said Conner. "Stand by for further orders", he added. =/\=Aye sir, standing by. Sir?=/\= the corporal said. "Go ahead Corporal", said Tirrel, tapping his combadge. =/\="I was just wondering sir, how long are we going to be on this crate, the place gives me the creeps,=/\= he said. "Until you are ordered otherwise", Tirrel said. =/\=Understood sir,=/\= said the marine as the line went quiet once again. Tirrel then turned back to face Joran. "Do we have any more on that translation?", he asked. "Well," Joran replied, "we have found a Romulan-Quetil dictionary, which gives us a foothold. I have the tricorder working on creating a translation matrix between Quetil and Standard. Translation of the actual log has not yet begun." "Well, that`s something I guess but I have to agree with my Corporal on this one, the sooner we get off this rig, the better", he added looking around the room as he spoke. "Something is definately not right here", said Tirrel, "I have a bad feeling about this one" "I argee. I feel as if there is some presence on this ship that wishes to harm us. I know that I'm not empathic, but something doesn't feel right to me either. Once the tricorder's done, we'll move on. The log will have to wait until we get to the Paladin." (reply Tirrel IYW) Joran turned back to the team. "Alright, everyone. I want status reports." (reply Team 2) When everyone had answered, he continued. "Good. Once we are done here, we will try to signal Team 1. If that does not work, we will signal the Paladin to inform them that we are returning to the shuttlebay. Questions? Objections?" (posted by Spencer) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1242) "NO DONT TAKE ME..." Greg flailed around. "HELP!" Calvin watched Ensign Dunn reach out both of his hands while he layed on the floor gasping for air. Calvin listened to Greg's voice screaming for help as he was being pulled back into what Calvin could only observe as some different type of reality. Calvin dropped the flashlight that was in his hand and leaped toward Greg's hands. He barely caught the ACS finger, but some how managed to hang on. He tightened his grip around Greg's wrist and started to pull Greg's body back to the side the away team was. What felt like a long time but was only a few seconds, Calvin felt hands around his ankles. He did not have enough time to look back to see who it was but he knew it was another team member pulling on Calvin's feet to help pull Greg back to safety. Calvin face started to strain and he felt his grip slipping slightly. His right hand could no longer take the strain and it no longer held on to one of Greg's hand. The only thing left that was keeping Greg a live at this moment was Calvin's left hand. Lt. Cmdr Capps was determined not to lose another team member in this bizarre situation of an away mission. He put all his might into his right hand and grabbed on to Greg's corresponding wrist with both hands. Calvin used his upper body strength and pulled as hard as he could. He felt that he was pulling so hard that he would pull the ACS hand right off of his arm. Seconds after, Calvin could feel another feeling in his hands and the rest of his body. The feeling of the officer hand pulling on his feet was gone. Calvin looked back and saw the officer laying on the ground on his back. The officer had let go when he and Calvin no longer needed to pull because the alien being had let go of Ensign Dunn. Ensign Dunn was now safe or at least for now. Calvin stood back up and was happy that one good thing as happened, but Greg could still not breath. What kind of air did he need. Now that they were back in the reality they originally started in was Greg healed from all of his mutation effects that he had sustained. "Lt Matrix! Find a way to get oxygen to Greg. He needs to breath long enough for us to get back to the shuttlebay." Calvin watched as the Engineer work. ~This needs to work.~ Calvin looked around at his team one more time. He knew he had lost 3 marines, 2 security, and 2 science officers. As he counted the men and women around him he noticed that he no longer had any science officers only 2 marines and 1 Security officer. His team had gone from 15 to only 9 team members. Lt. Cmdr Capps knew that the missing officers were not attacked by the alien beings. They had just disappeared. (posted by Calvin) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - CEO, LT JG Steven Matrix- 1242) Matrix looked in horror at Greg, while, in his mind, running through a handful of ways to get oxygen to his crewmate. He couldn't risk taking the suit of in fear of the unknown. He would certainly die if he removed his head gear. ~Augmentation!~ Matrix concluded. "Greg turn around and I'll get the auxiliary bypass unit." Matrix spent the next 47 seconds getting the auxiliary system running. Soon there was a 65 percent increase in air flow into Greg's helmet. Greg has a look of relief. ~This is only going to work for a short period of time, Matrix thought. Hopefully it will be enough.~ "Commander, this should hold up no more than 15 minutes, then we'll have to use our own suits to augment one another's oxygen. We need to get back to the shuttle quickly." Matrix smiled at Greg and gave him the thumbs up. (posted by Steve) (Unknown Vessel - Main Generator room - MCO Conner Tirrel - 12:43) Suddenly, Conners comms headset had come online once again, this time it was from one of the marines remaining at the shuttle locations landing sites. "Sir, the Paladin has re-established contact via a class VI relay probe parked just outside of the vessel", said the voice on the other end of the line. "Confirmed your comm", said Conner, "Stand by" "Standing by sir", said the marine as Conner raised his hand into the air to attract the attention of Lt Brownlee who imediately came over. "We have contact with the Paladin", said Conner. (Reply Brownlee) "Inform them of our progress & let them know what we have encountered", said Conner. "Stand by for further orders", he added. "Aye sir, standing by", said the marine. "Sir?", he added. "Go ahead Corporal", said Conner. "I was just wondering sir, how long are we going to be on this crate, the place gives me the creeps", he added. "Until you are ordered otherwise", said Conner. "Understood sir", said the marine as the line went quiet once again. Conner then turned to Lt Brownlee. "Do we have any more on that translation?", he asked. (Reply Brownlee) "Well, that`s something I guess but I have to agree with my Corporal on this one, the sooner we get off this rig, the better", he added looking around the room as he spoke. "Something is definately not right here", said Conner, "I have a bad feeling about this one" (posted by Alan) (USS Paladin - Bridge - TAC/SC T`Vhor - 12:44) "Sir, communications have been re-established & the away team has responded", said T`Vhor. (Reply CO) "Team one has run into some difficulty regarding hostiles", he added. "Ensign Dunn has sustained some form of contamination & team two is currently investigating what seems to be a power generator room", said T`Vhor. (Reply CO) "Aye sir, relaying orders now", said Lt T`Vhor. (posted by Alan) (Unknown Alien Vessel - Computer Access Point - Corridor - Tech. Spec. K'Tarn - 12:45) After finding Tirrel near a computer nexus Team 2 began moving about their various duties trying to make sense of the alien technology. "Good work, Ensign Rathyn." Lt. Brownlee said in response to her work at the computer to get it functional again. "Thank you sir," she replied crawling out of the access portal. "Luckiest batch of guesswork I ever pulled off." "Ensign, K'Tarn." Joran called. K'Tarn looked up from his readings at the 3/0, he didn't like this ship and felt exposed since their flank had not been covered earlier, one of his hopes was that later he would get a chance to meet and destroy one or more of the life forms resident on this ship. Somewhere deep in his mind he felt he had been destined for this purpose since his beginning. "What do you make of this?" Esse Mesta 1. I yessessė Eru ontanė Menel ar Cemen. 2 Cemen né cumna ar lusta, ar engė morniė or i undumė, nan Eruo Sślė willė or i neni. 3 Ar equė Eru: "Eä cįlė!" Ar engė cįlė. 4 Eru cennė sa i cįlė né mįra, ar Eru ciltanė i cįlė i morniello. 5 Ar Eru estanė i cįlė Aurė, ar i morniė estanes Lómė. Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i minya aurė. 6 Ar equė Eru: "Eä telluma endessė i nenion, ar ciltuvas nén nenello." 7 Ar Eru carnė i telluma ar ciltanė i neni or i telluma i nenillon nu i telluma. Ar engė siė. 8 Ar Eru estanė i telluma Menel. Engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i attėa aurė. 9 Ar equė Eru: "Na i neni nu menel hostainė minė nómessė, ar na i parca nór cénina!" Ar engė siė. 10 Ar Eru estanė i parca nór Cemen, nan i hostainė neni estanes Eär. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 11 Ar equė Eru: "Į colė cemen salquė, olvar carila erdi, yįvaldar colila yįvė nostalentassen, cemendė." Ar engė siė. 12 Cemen collė salquė, olvar carila erdi, nostalentassen, ar aldar colila yįvė yassė ėar erdentar, nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 13 Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i nelya aurė. 14 Ar equė Eru: "Eä calmar tellumassė menelo ciltien aurė lómillo, ar nauvantė tannar asarion ar aurion ar coranįrion. 15 Nauvantė calmar tellumassė menelo caltien cemenna." Ar engė siė. 16 Eru carnė i atta altė calmar, i analta calma turien auressė ar i pitya calma turien lómissė, ar i eleni. 17 Ar Eru panyanė ta tellumassė menelo caltien cemenna 18 ar turien auressė ar lómissė ar ciltien cįlė morniello. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 19 Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i cantėa aurė. 20 Ar equė Eru: "Į ėa śvė cuinė onnolķva i nenissen, ar į wilė aiweli tellumassė menelo." 21 Ar Eru ontanė i altė ėarcelvar ar ilya i śvė cuinė onnaiva i rihtar i nenissen, nostalentassen, ar ilyė rįmavoiti onnar nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 22 Ar Eru laitanė te ar quentė: "Na yįvinquė ar na rimbė, į quatė nén i ėarion, ar na i aiwi rimbė cemendė!" 23 Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i lempėa aurė. 24 Ar equė Eru: "Į colė cemen cuinė onnar nostalentassen, lamni ar celvaller ar cemeno hravani celvar, nostalentassen." 25 Ar Eru carnė cemeno hravani celvar nostalentassen, ar i lamni nostalentassen ar ilyė celvar i vantar cemendė, nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennė sa nes mįra. 26 Ar equė Eru: "Alvė carė Atan venwelvassė, canta velvė; ar turuvas ėaro lingwi ar menelo aiwi ar i lamni ar ilya i cemen ar ilyė celvar i vantar cemendė." 27 Ar Eru ontanė Atan venweryassė, Eruo venwessė ontaneryes; hanu ar nķ ontaneryet. 28 Ar Eru laitanė te, ar equė Eru tienna: "Na yįvinquė ar na rimbė, į quatė cemen ar įsa panya nu le, ar į turė ėaro lingwi ar menelo aiwi ar ilyė cuinė onnar i vantar cemendė." 29 Ar equė Eru: "En! antan len ilyė olvar carila erdi, ilya i ėar ilya i palśressė cemeno, ar ilyė aldar carila yįvi yassen ėar erdi. Nas ya matuval. 30 Ar ilyė hravani celvain ar ilye menelo aiwin ar ilyan i vanta cemendė, ilya cuinan, antan ilyė laiquė olvar matien." 31 Ar Eru cennė ilya ya carnes, ar en! nes ammįra. Ar engė sinyė, ar engė arin, i enquėa aur.ė. K'Tran looked down at the unfamiliar alien script and growled. "It appears to be a log entry made by the former crew, note the listed days although there could be other applications." "A log? Let's see if we can decipher what it reads here." Brownlee bent over to study it closer while K'Tarn activated the universal translator in his tricorder as he scanned the readout. (posted by Charles) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 1246) Calvin looked at Greg's body, and he noticed that the alien beings bones were no longer in his body. He also realized that there was no wound in his body. This did not make sense to Calvin all things considered he would have thought that Greg would mirakalisoy have his suit back on his body some how. However that was not the case. "We are going to continue to the shuttlebay." He knew that Lt. Matrix would come up with something soon about getting air to Greg. Calvin did not want to give up all his hopes, but he had to try. Lt. Cmdr Capps tryed to use the comm in his helmet to reach Lt. Menelian. "Lt. Cmdr Capps to Lt. Menelian." Nothing. "Lt. Cmdr Capps to Lt. Menelian!" (reply Menelian) Calvin was so relieved to get some type of answer back. "Lt. We are on our way back. Get a hold of team 2 and order them to report back to the shuttlebay immediatly. Also, contact USS Paladin and let them know we will be on our way back shortly." ~Hopefully~ Calvin looked back over his shoulder at what team he had left and saw that Ensign Dunn looked as if he was breathing ok. "Alright team, lets get the HELL out of here!" (posted by Calvin) (USS Paladin - Bridge - OPS Ensign Knightley - 1248) Ensign Knightley kept running her scans on the Alien ship, but each time she received no information back. She has tried every thing in the book to penetrate what ever type of shielding there was on that ship. She wanted to know more about it, and what was on that ship. However she knew she would not get that type of information. She knew that the science officers were working as hard as they could to discover how to penetrate the ships special shielding. She knew that everyone was working as hard as they could to make this mission successful. She ran her fingers across the board, and doing a little bit of research of her own to see if she can find any similar situation in Starfleet history that could help. As she worked she tried to keep focused, but one thought some how always seemed to pop back into her head. ~Calvin~ The entire Paladin crew was worried about the away teams, but Elizabeth was only worried mainly about one of the away team crewmen. She wanted to know if the First Officer, her boyfriend was safe. Then she heard a voice on the bridge speak up. "Team one has run into some difficulty regarding hostiles", he added. "Ensign Dunn has sustained some form of contamination." ~Hostiles~ This nearly ran Ensign Knightley insane and she wondered if getting involved with Calvin was a bad idea in the first place. (posted by Calvin) (USS Paladin - Bridge - TAC/SC T`Vhor - 12:48) "Both away teams are returning to base sir", said Lt T`Vhor. "ETA to rendevouz twelve minutes", he added. (Reply CO) "Aye sir, standing by", said T`Vhor as he returned his attention to his console. The bridge of the Paladin was deathly quiet as they then awaited the next communications from the away teams. The relay probe seemed to be working just fine but it had been a few minutes now since they had hooked up with Rath at their landing site. She had reported the teams as making their way back to the shuttles, all that they could do now however was wait & pray that nothing untoward happened to them on their way back. Lt T`Vhor of course kept a close eye on the power levels around the unknown vessel so as to be sure that nothing onboard it were coming online without their knowledge. The board was clean though, no spikes, no transients, no nothing. The vessel was as inactive as it had been the first time they had encountered it & they were still unable to scan it`s interior with the Paladin`s sensors. (posted by Alan) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Bridge - ACONN Ensign (jg) Christian Soval Brownlee - 12:56) As Christian sat at helm, monitoring his board and the Paladin's position, he worried about his brother and his sister-in-law to-be. Then, he got some sort of solace when his console beeped: incoming message from Corporal Ochaeta. He knew that he was keeping contact with the Paladin for Team 2. He turned towards the captain. "Captain," Christian said, "incoming message from Team 2." (reply Straton) "Aye sir," he said as he put the message up on audio. (reply Ochaeta) As the message ended, a wave of relief swept over Christian. Joran and Rana were both safe, and heading back. "Shall I send this message to Team 1, captain?" (posted by Spencer) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF COMPILE I hope you enjoyed!